The faculty of BMLC have exceptional qualifications and are highly experienced in the legal world. BMLC provides students with the necessary scholarly environment needed for overall development. We focus on not only the academics, but also other social and legal skills which are of utmost importance in the legal sphere.


Academic excellence is primary but not the only requirement to reach great heights in any given field. In the world of law, where human interaction and discussion is of utmost importance, we at BMLC strive to produce scholars with the right social skills by engaging them in personality development and language enhancement classes, which are a part of the regular curriculum.


BMLC campus provides the perfect balance of academic and social activities. Focus remains on providing an environment where the students can grow by interaction with each other and the faculty. Regular activities such as debates, discussions, moots and cultural events are held to allow wide interaction and enhance social skills of the students.


Any given topic can no longer be restricted to a particular subject. In this postmodern world, knowledge is all about looking at an issue from multiple lenses. BMLC’s curriculum teaches the students to be open minded and consider all factors relevant to a topic, be it from a legal, social or humanistic viewpoint. Further, an interdisciplinary approach opens up numerous future opportunities and the student doesn’t remain restricted to advocacy. Students taught in such a manner will have scope in international law, public policy, business, liberal arts and humanities.


Practice makes a man perfect, and mooting is a necessary practice for budding lawyers. BMLC via its moot court cell holds moot court competitions for proper training of students. Mooting helps students in fighting stage fear and makes for more confident personalities. Being face to face with eminent jurists and answering their questions helps in learning interactive and social skills. BMLC strives to achieve a strong mooting tradition in the years to come.


Law today is not restricted to the courts. Legal scholars have a wide range of career opportunities waiting to be explored. We at BMLC prepare our students to be open to such career opportunities and provide necessary counseling to analyze which area the student is best suited for. BMLC has also collaborated with Remarkable Education Pvt Ltd, which is a pioneer in career counseling. They offer programs wherein students and their parents are informed about the various opportunities available to them and guide them to choose their right career path based on their interests and personality. All necessary pros and cons about pursuing a career path are provided based on assessment of students’ interests and personality.


Importance of mental health is relevant to today’s fast paced competitive life. It is normal for a student to feel overwhelmed by the pressure to excel. To beat the blues and emerge stronger, we have an on-campus counselor for proper mental health guidance for students. BMLC strives to be supportive towards its students in all forms, be it academic or emotional. Privacy of the students is maintained, and all ethics of psychological counseling are followed cautiously so that the student can be open and fearless with the counselor.


We at BMLC strive to provide a competitive environment not only by teaching students in the classrooms but also by honing their legal speaking and writing skills. Various such activities are organized beyond the classroom such as: Moot Court Competitions, Trial Advocacy Competitions, Judgment Writing, Client Counseling Competition, Court visits, Debates, Workshops and Seminars and open house discussions.


Students are required to intern compulsorily in all semesters. For the first two semesters, working at an NGO is mandatory to get a hold of the ground reality and contribute in every way possible. For higher semesters, court and firm internships become vital. BMLC via its internship cell has successfully placed its students at various offices and NGOs for internships each semester.


A student’s curriculum vitae is his most valuable tool. It gives an overview of his knowledge, skills and experience in the field in which he desires to be employed. A CV is his first impression. BMLC holds expert lectures on preparing one’s CV and make it attractive and impressionable.


Besides the regular classroom lectures by our highly experienced faculty, we also hold guest lectures by renowned jurists such as -

  • Retired & Sitting Judges of Hon’ble Supreme Court and Various High Courts.
  • Learned and Senior Advocate of Hon’ble Supreme Court and Various High Courts.
  • Senior Professors of Various Law Universities. Including National Law Universities.
  • Senior most Officers of Law Firms.
  • Dignitaries of Corporate Sectors.
  • Chairman in Member of Various Commissions i.e.
    • National and State Human Rights.
    • National and State Women Commissions.
    • National, State and District Consumer Forum. D. National Planning Commission (NITI Aayog). E. Law Commission of India.
    • F. National and State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.


BMLC’s tie up with Remarkable Education, Jodhpur opens up international gates for us. Remarkable Education is a pioneer in the field of career counseling with offices located in Jodhpur, Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur. BMLC along with Remarkable Education is planning to expand its boundaries pan India very soon.


Physical development is important along with academic development. The open campus ground at BMLC provides for a wide sports arena. Students are encouraged to participate in various sports activities, be it indoor or outdoor, by celebration of sports week.
BMLC also encourages students to take part in dance, music or drama clubs and celebrates various festivals as well as a cultural week. Freshers’ parties are held for new members of the campus.
BMLC plans to hold fests to promote interaction of students from different colleges in the near future.

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